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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Things that fit together

I am reading two books.  I am reading them at the same time and they look like they are going to fit nicely together.  The first one, The Happiness Project is by Gretchen Rubin.  The second is The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer.

I have read the first chapter of each book and there is a common thread that I think many women will be able to relate to. (Perhaps men might as well.)

Gretchen makes this comment; "I have such a good life, I want to appreciate it more-and live up to it better".
AMEN!  She talks about disciplining yourself to feel grateful for an ordinary day and looking for happiness "in your own kitchen".  She goes so far as to say, "Act the way you want to feel. Fake it til' you feel it."

Fast forward to Priscilla's book.  Chapter one is all about embracing your now, whatever that may be.  She asks the questions: What have you been hurrying through?  What have you been hurrying to get to?  What can you do differently today, to gather up all the good things around you and begin enjoying the journey of your life? 

She goes on to say that instead of relishing each moment, each year, each opportunity, each step on the journey, we're constantly overeager to get to the next thing, which always looks more enticing than what's currently before us.  We are rarely satisfied in FULL with our present situation.

Isn't this true?  We are single and we want marriage.  We get married and we look forward to having a family.  We have a family and we push our children to "grow up".  Our tendency is to keep pushing forward to find more happiness when our happiness can most likely be found in our NOW.

I am going to follow both authors advice and read these books S L O W L Y...let the themes roll around in my mind and start being more aware of my NOW.  Life flies by far too fast to miss the moment I am in at present.

Priscilla Shirer has a Resolution Revolution Project going on over on her blog. www.goingbeyond.com/blog 
and Gretchen Rubin's website is: happiness-project.com  .

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